

Small molecules are the optimal therapeutic modality for expanding the druggable universe and improving healthspan for patients and caregivers. The continuous collaboration between our medicinal chemistry, translational biology, platform discovery, computational science, and pharmacology groups fuels our innovative pipeline


Small molecules are the most validated modality for accessing difficult-to-reach systems within the body, including the central nervous system (CNS).  Tenvie leverages disciplined small molecule engineering to create highly CNS-penetrant and peripherally restricted therapeutics that definitively test therapeutic hypotheses in patients.   

Due to the challenges inherent in molecular design and delivery, the medical field is only recently beginning to witness the full potential of small molecules. We believe that foundational biology and biomarkers are inseparable from developing novel treatment with optimized small molecules; our tenacious pursuit of this principle will enable our team to revolutionize medicine. 


Small molecules are the most validated modality for accessing difficult-to-reach systems within the body, including the central nervous system (CNS).  Tenvie leverages disciplined small molecule engineering to create highly CNS-penetrant and peripherally restricted therapeutics that definitively test therapeutic hypotheses in patients.   

Due to the challenges inherent in molecular design and delivery, the medical field is only recently beginning to witness the full potential of small molecules. We believe that foundational biology and biomarkers are inseparable from developing novel treatment with optimized small molecules; our tenacious pursuit of this principle will enable our team to revolutionize medicine. 

Therapeutic Areas








01 Neurological

Neurodegeneration is a complex process driven by inflammation, metabolic disruption, and lysosomal dysfunction

02 Ophthalmology

Diseases caused by damage to the optic nerve, retina, and other compartments of the eye share many similarities with neurological diseases, including biological drivers and promising therapeutic targets, offering a synergistic approach to therapeutic discovery 

03 Metabolic Syndrome

Neuroinflammation can trigger systemic metabolic dysregulation, thereby contributing to cardiometabolic and cardiovascular disease 

04 Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular diseases share common biological underpinnings as many neurological diseases, including inflammation and metabolic dysfunction 

05 Peripheral Neurology

Damage to neurons through metabolic stress, chemotherapy, and physical damage among other challenges leads to degeneration and neuronal loss causing neuropathies and other diseases 

06 Peripheral Inflammation

Peripheral and CNS inflammatory diseases share biological drivers and are governed by many of the same pathways providing the opportunity to realize broad disease impact across inflammatory disease 


Resolve Inflammation

Rescue Metabolic Dysfunction

Restore Lysosomal Function

Unlock access to privileged CNS space via precision engineering & disciplined tuning of key properties

Maximize value by derivatizing CNS chemotypes to rapidly deliver peripheral assets

Targeted & unbiased identification of target- & pathway-specific biomarkers (BMs)

BM validation to support mechanism of action, indication & patient selection

The Details
